Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Macau 10 Patacas 2005

OBV: Estátua da Deusa A-Ma

REV: BNU Tower in Macau

Here is a currency that was issued by a Portuguese bank on the 8th of August 2005 for Macau. There are 2 signatures representing the board of directors under the new administrative regulation. It bears the signature of Herculano Jorge de Sousa (Chief Executive Officer) and Carlos da Silva Costa (Chairman of the Board of Directors). Printed by Hong Kong Note Printing Limited and authorised by Administrative Regulation N.° 10/2005.

1 comment:

  1. China, one nation 2 systems. I wonder why Macau didn’t change the currency (Patacas) to say $ and cent after 1999? It’s now One China, many currencies!
